Rino Stefano Tagliafierro brings these paintings to life using 2.5D effects.
Morgan Freeman Finger Painting by Kyle Lambert
I just saw this on Mashable on thought it was worth a repost. It's incredible what Kyle Lambert is able to do with the iPad. I was never into finger-painting, but this is pretty awesome.
Painted by Kyle Lambert www.kylelambert.co.uk The world's most realistic finger painting. Using only a finger, an iPad Air and the app Procreate, artist Kyle Lambert has painted a photorealistic portrait of actor Morgan Freeman. Original Photograph Taken by Scott Gries - http://www.scottgries.com Music by Richard Woolgar
e-David, the Robot Artist
The robot artist:
e-David, our painting machine, uses visual feedback to create different kinds of paintings. We equipped a standard robot with all necessary means for painting. Five different brushes can be used, color can be selected from a repository with 24 colors, brushes can be cleaned and colors can be distributed precisely on the canvas.
The machine watches itself while painting and decides indepentently where to add new strokes. This way paintings are created that are not completely defined by the programmer but are the result of a visual optimization process. (informatik.uni-konstanz.de/en/edavid/news/)
Music: soundcloud.com/lunetic/lunetic-signature