Some old shots I did with Jana a.k.a Eufrat:
March 2011
October 2011
Some old shots I did with Jana a.k.a Eufrat:
March 2011
October 2011
My beautiful friend and amazing model Gabriella just launched her new website If you like great photography and appreciate beauty then you should definitely check out her site. Gaby and I have shot a few times and have become great friends over the years and I'm really happy to see her website come to life because I know how much work she's put into it. Check it out!
Julia Skalozub is a Czech photographer that has shot for numerous publications worldwide, most notably Playboy, Volo and FotoVideo. I first saw her work on the photography portfolio website 500.px and was really into it. I would love to be able shoot at her level and work with the magazines she produces content for on a regular basis.
Here's another shot of the beautiful Eufrat that was taken in late 2011. This was edited by my good friends at Tuco Studio in Argentina.
I was just browsing through one of my drives and saw these random pictures of Jana a.k.a. Eufrat that I never published anywhere. This shoot took place in March of 2011.
Gabriella is another model that I've worked with on a few occasions, but she's such a fantastic model and friend that she has a permanent place on My Model Wish List. I first met her back in April of 2011 and at that point she was the third model I had ever shot. She's based in Budapest, Hungary, but works all over the world and recently appeared on the Playboy website. I always look forward to seeing her new photo sets and can't wait to work with her again. If you're on Facebook you can follow her at I'm hoping to work with her and Katey, another Budapest based model on My Model Wish List, sometime early next year.
Here is some of my past work with Gabriella
photo by Pierre Dal Corsco
photo by Pierre Dal Corsco
photo by Pierre Dal Corsco
photo by Pierre Dal Corsco
photo by Pierre Dal Corsco
photo by Pierre Dal Corsco
photo by Pierre Dal Corsco
photo by Jan Scholz
photo by Jan Scholz
photo by Oleg Borisuk
photo by Steven Williams
photo by Steven Williams
photo by Steven Williams
Yesterday I started a new blog series called "Music of the Moment" and today I'm starting "My Model Wish List" which will show models I've met or stumbled upon online that I would really like to work with. Kicking off this series is the beautiful Katey, an incredible model from Budapest, Hungary that I've been wanting to work with for quite awhile. I was first introduced to Katey through Gabriella, another amazing Hungarian model that I've worked with a few times and have become good friends with. If you have a moment you should follow Gabriella on Facebook, Model Mayhem and her website to get updates on where she's working in case you'd like to shoot with her.
Katey and I have been talking for quite some time about trying to shoot. I've actually been wanting to go to Budapest to shoot with her and Gabriella and to learn a thing or two from some of the amazing photographers (Norbert Baksa and Peter Juhasz) they work with in Europe. Aside from that I've been wanting to do a road trip through Eastern Europe to check out all the historical sites, especially Castle Dracula in Transylvania. Anyway, Katey is trying to plan a trip to the US early next year. I think it would be a great opportunity for her and for any photographers wanting to work with a truly professional model. If you or anyone you know is interested you can check out her travel notice.
Model: Katey
Based: Budapest, Hungary
Samples of Katey's Work:
Photo by Hans Fr Machiel