My beautiful friend and amazing model Gabriella just launched her new website If you like great photography and appreciate beauty then you should definitely check out her site. Gaby and I have shot a few times and have become great friends over the years and I'm really happy to see her website come to life because I know how much work she's put into it. Check it out!
New Projects with Gabriella
I was in LA the past two weekends to meet up with my good friend Gabriella who was visiting from Hungary. She and I have known each other for a few years and try to meet up whenever she's in LA. We've shot together a few times in the past and from our first meeting we've thrown around the idea of doing some sort of road trip project together in Europe. Recently I've been talking to a friend of mine at a production house based in Silverlake and we've been trying to develop this idea a bit more. This past Friday the three of us were able to meet while Gaby was in town and he gave us a homework assignment which was for us to shoot a bit of random content of ourselves that can be used to help put the pitch together. Since we didn't have a whole lot of time to do something cool before Gaby left town we decided to throw a GoPro in the car while driving around LA to show us interacting with one another. I'll shoot some more content of myself over the next month that will show some behind the scenes stuff at a photo shoot, content of an ammo project in Nevada and South Africa, and a wine project I'm working on up in Santa Barbara County. Gabriella will shoot a bit of content back home in Budapest and then we'll throw together a little 3 minute reel.
In West Hollywood on our way to Urth Caffé for some boba.
Wearing eyewear provided by our good friends at William Painter.
My Model Wish List - Gabriella
Gabriella is another model that I've worked with on a few occasions, but she's such a fantastic model and friend that she has a permanent place on My Model Wish List. I first met her back in April of 2011 and at that point she was the third model I had ever shot. She's based in Budapest, Hungary, but works all over the world and recently appeared on the Playboy website. I always look forward to seeing her new photo sets and can't wait to work with her again. If you're on Facebook you can follow her at I'm hoping to work with her and Katey, another Budapest based model on My Model Wish List, sometime early next year.
Here is some of my past work with Gabriella